Apache Solr and SolrJ Maven Dependancies

While I was developing Solr application using Solrj, there was confusion (which is always :) ) of which maven dependencies to be included in Pom.xml. Hence thought to share here.
Please don't miss to add M2_REPO classpath variable pointing to repository directory so you can easily import required library into your Java Project.

Maven Dependencies for Developing application with Solr (version 4.1) are followed as :

1. Solrj Dependencies

2. Solr-core Dependencies

Servlet-api required because EmbeddedSolrServer is dependent on servlet-api. Please include in Maven if you are planning to add into your project

3. Sl4j Dependencies

4. HttpClient Dependencies
<!-- httpClient dependencies -->

5. JUnit Dependencies
<!-- Junit Depedencies -->

Maven Compiler Plugins for POM.xml are :

Once You added all required dependencies and plugins to pom.xml it's time to Compile project

1.Convert your project to eclipse project with mvn eclipse:eclipse
2.Compile your Project with mvn compile
3.Clean your Project with mvn eclipse:clean or mvn clean

Note : Please refer to http://lucene.apache.org/ and Apache License before using.

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